Story as Soul Medicine: a ritualised storytelling experience.
The Story as Soul Medicine experience takes you on a unique journey. Cocooned inside The Wayfinder Mobile Story Studio, guests are immersed in ritual, body awareness, deep listening and story sharing. Ritualised storytelling recognises that story is sacred. As a long-time caretaker of personal stories, Dr Helene Thomas invites you to join her inside her intimate story sharing space. There is healing power in telling our story and having someone bear witness. It empowers, strengthens our self worth, allows us to discover ourselves in a new way and helps us make sense of our experiences. This is an invitation to be present, trust in yourself, let go, and see what unfurls for you. Together, you will go deep. Slowly. Gently. Softly. Helene has worked with stories in some form or another for around three decades. As a journalist, radio documentary maker, researcher and podcast producer, she has been entrusted with people’s deeply personal experiences. She has shared her own personal story in the form of an audio story and to a live audience of around 300 people. Having been on both sides of the microphone, she knows first hand the transformational effect sharing our stories has, both on ourselves and the people around us. When inside The Wayfinder Mobile Story Studio, space is given to the awe that comes from deep listening and story sharing. You’ll explore the body as the playground of the senses, open your ears and minds to new stories and new ways of hearing old stories. You’ll explore purpose and meaning in relation to being here, right now, in this moment. And as you lean into hearing differently you’ll encounter the world differently. ‘I believe stories have the power to move us in all kinds of ways and shake us up,’ says Helene. Stories, she believes, have the power to heal. ‘Our stories connect us, and it is through this connection that we feel better about ourselves, life, each other, and surely that alone is a good reason to tell our stories and to listen to the stories of others.’ The Wayfinder Mobile Story Studio was carefully and sensitively designed by Tasmanian architect Dan Devine and built by furniture designer/maker Guy Paramore. thewayfinder.com.au 0437 046 110 |